
Please use the Comment section at the bottom of the page to share your memories, stories, and thoughts of Paul. You can add photos and videos to the Google Photos album dedicated to Paul here. You can also share brief condolences here.

Old School Cool

Gia Đình Trẻ

“Nhóm Gia Đình Trẻ was formed because of Anh Tuấn’s vision to preserve the sanctity of marriage and family. He wanted to create an environment where parents and children can come together to nurture our Catholic faith through monthly gatherings where we shared meals and faith. We hosted a couple of retreats at Blessed Sacrament in preparation for Easter. We also did fun things such as trips to San Francisco, New York, water parks, etc.”

– Anh Đạt

From Tuấn’s best friends Đức and Lộc (the Three Amigos)

Family Time

14 responses to “Memories”

  1. Van Tran Avatar
    Van Tran

    Không ai có thể quên tiếng gọi quen thuộc “Họp Phụ Huynh…..” của anh Tuấn. Bao nhiêu năm gặp gỡ khi đi sinh hoạt HĐ, lúc nào anh cũng nở nụ cười tươi, ôn hòa, ân cần với mọi người. Ba năm qua dù đang chống chọi với bao vấn đề sức khỏe nhưng anh vẫn lạc quan và luôn kiên cường & khích lệ mọi người đối đầu với mọi khó khăn. Cám ơn tấm lòng của anh, chúng em luôn ghi nhớ người anh đáng kính.

  2. Kloe Tran Avatar
    Kloe Tran

    RIP , my favorite mentor!

  3. Christine Anh Thư Đường Avatar
    Christine Anh Thư Đường

    Dear Anh Tuấn,

    December 5th, 2022 – a day that I have replayed over and over in my head, no matter how many times, the day still felt surreal. Since then, Em don’t know how many times em have tried to put words down, my heart aches heavily.

    Em have aways believe that each of our life’s path crosses has its specific reasons. Em first met anh at age of 18, scared to death of you because of the mustache you wore. Yet, you have made me feel like I was an already a little sister, day 1. Em still remember your warm greetings with your big smile under your mustache! Who would have known, fast forward 11 years later, anh and Me visited Má em to plan for my engagement event with anh Hưng, even though I never had a formal proposal from anh Hưng. From that moment, I am officially welcomed into our family as anh Tuấn represented the family to Má em for hand in marriage to anh Hưng. This unity, we have been privileged for Anh and Chi Huyền to accepted Quốc-An under your wings as your God son.

    Through the years, you have created memories for our children and families as if each one of us is one of your own. The lens of your camera through your eyes has captured and memorialized infinite moments, priceless for eternity. The family gatherings just because we have not spent time together, the Superbowl games, the Mother’s Days, the Father’s Days, the basketball finals, the Lunar New Year and 4th of July firework sounds, the summer camps, the Thanksgiving Days, the Christmas Days, and the clam chowder, will never be the same without your giant presence, anh Tuấn.

    Em treasured the time we shared together with Anh as you fight through your illness. When I accidentally stumbled into learning about your health many years ago as a student, I would have never been able to predict the privilege I have to journey with Anh until the end. Along with this, you have taught em to live life without regrets and live it to the fullest. You have taught em sacrifices beyond yourself is always to be delivered with a smile. You have taught me that our smile is always more contagious. And you have taught em to not fear for what lies ahead, as we will never have to travel the path alone.

    Our dear brother, Anh Tuấn, we will miss the sound of your carefree laughter, the big bags of treats with the cup of Lee’s coffee when you come charging through the door, and most of all your giant heart and contagious energy. Rest in Peace in your heavenly paradise ….. We miss you dearly….

    Em Anh Thư and Hưng

  4. chi Nga Avatar
    chi Nga

    Tuấn thương mến!
    Trong cuộc đời sinh ra làm người gặp gỡ Ba Me và anh em trong gia đình là một điều hạnh phúc kỳ diệu, chị em mình gặp nhau và chị trở thành một thành viên trong nhà cũng là một cái duyên. Cuộc hành trình Tuấn đi có nhiều buồn, vui, hy vọng, và thành công nhưng không ai biết lúc nào mình sẽ dừng bước nhưng Tuấn đã sống một đời sống thật tốt đẹp, yêu thương, và tha thứ cho mọi người dù biết thân thể mình đang bị hủy hoại từng ngày. Nhưng quan trọng hơn hết khi Tuấn bước xuống con tàu dừng chân nghĩ ngơi giữa chừng ở một sân ga đã đễ lại sau lưng những kỷ niệm đẹp cho gia dình, bạn bè và những người yêu thương Tuấn.
    Cuối cùng chị cũng cảm ơn Tuấn cho chị đi cùng Tuấn một quãng đường trong cuộc hành trình này.
    Ra đi thanh thản Tuấn nhé, chị và gia đình cũng sẽ tiếp tục đi tiếp cuộc hành trình này đến khi gap lại em. Tạm biệt Tuấn!!!
    Chị Nga

  5. Katherine Nguyen Avatar
    Katherine Nguyen


    I will always remember you as a family man—always present, devoted, protective, and the leader of our household. You kept us safe for so many years.

    I wish that you were still here so I could ask for advice, make amends on things we disagreed on, and watch you reach new milestones. I miss you so much.

    “Con gai cua Bo”

  6. Quoc-An Nguyen Avatar

    Dear Bác Tuấn,
    As the days go by, it gets harder and harder to think that you’re really gone. Through the years, you have always been the one behind the lens keeping track of our memories and everyone growing up. One of these memories is when you asked for my Saint name after my First Communion and Bác Lân jokingly said that it was “Pope.” You thought he was serious and sent us a picture frame with “Pope Quoc-An Nguyen” on it. As funny as it is, I am beyond delighted to keep a small but meaningful gift of your love. Thank you for all of our hearts that you have touched and I hope to keep your memory alive through my own lens.

    Quốc-An Nguyễn

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